Saturday, August 13, 2011

Full Throttle Fat Loss by Kareem Samhouri

I recently saw a post by Dr. Kareem Samhouri which stated that he is about to launch a new program called the Full Throttle Fat Loss plan. I don't know a lot about this plan yet. All I know is that it will be released in early September. Dr. Samhouri has assured me that I will be getting a review copy of the program soon so I plan on writing a more complete review of the program in the near future.

What I can say is that Dr. Kareem Samhouri is a well known fitness and fat loss expert and a really nice guy. I've known him for over a year and I respect him a lot. I have his older programs and I work out with them. I hope and believe that Full Throttle Fat Loss will be even better.

Once I have my review copy, I'll come back here and post new information about it. Until I learn new details, I hope you have a great weekend.

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