Sunday, August 21, 2011

Why I'm Looking Forward To Full Throttle Fat Loss

I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to the release of the Full Throttle Fat Loss program. I'm anxious to see exactly what this program has in store and the workouts it will include.

The main reason why I'm looking forward to this plan is that I like Kareem Samhouri. Dr. K is a friend and I wish him the best of luck with this new program. I am sure that he will overdeliver on this, as he as done so often in the past.

The second reason is that I've been using parts of the workouts from an earlier program by Kareem, called the Double Edged Fat Loss plan. At the time, this program totally changed the way I workout and it has helped me create far better and more effective home workouts for myself and for my wife.
I want more of these workouts and I'm sure that this new program will provide them.

Finally, I am looking forward to this program because I know how many people need to lose weight and are searching for a real solution. They can't wait forever. They can't keep falling for the same old gimmicks and products that offer no real way out of their mess. They need a solid program to teach them proper fitness and workouts. This is something that Kareem Samhouri can help them achieve. I'm sure of it.

I still don't know the exact details of what this program will include. Kareem is being very hush-hush about it (it's driving me crazy), but the moment I do, I will write about it here. I believe that it will be worth the wait.

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